Bruckner Chase
Bruckner Chase, Surf-fur Wotterman
Founder and CEO Bruckner Chase Ocean Positive, Professional Ocean Lifeguard, Former Corporate Director, Collaborative Partner NOAA NWS, Technical Advisor for Ocean and Beach Safety, Science and Conservation.
Bruckner Chase is an internationally recognized ocean advocate and professional waterman whose athletic career spans the world in the most challenging adventures and events on water and land in some of the harshest conditions imaginable. Bruckner’s athletic pursuits and innovative, evidence based initiatives from American Samoa to Poland and the Jersey Shore provide opportunities to empower and positively impact individual and community behavior towards our shared aquatic environments while also building capacity and opportunities across multiple areas. He is a former executive who worked in international project and brand development for companies such as Abercrombie & Fitch and West Marine who traded a traditional office for an aquatic and community focused career with an innate understanding that mutually beneficial partnerships with measurable positive impacts are the foundation for sustainable initiatives and concept development. Bruckner is also a gifted and engaging speaker who brings the insights, knowledge and passion he confronts in the water to audiences around the world. Through his Bruckner Chase Ocean Positive Foundation he is personally and professionally committed to the mission: TO POSITIVELY IMPACT HOW WE FEEL, THINK AND ACT TOWARDS OUR OCEANS AND COMMUNITIES.